Quack Quack! ‘What is Aurora?’ you cheep?

Well, Aurora is the blog run by Liberal Arts Students at the University of Bristol, and so much more besides!

Brave the thought-sprawl made by last year’s team to find out what we’re all about…

Image: ‘Dame Duck’, Eve Sakai-James

Our Ethos…

The Aurora encourages honesty and experimentalism, we are a creative safe space here to support your trials and errors. We accept submissions in all forms, be it poetry, ball-point doodles, essays or diary entries. Think of the Aurora as a communal scrapbook. Whether you find yourself contributing, or just sneaking a peak into fellow Lib Arts students’ talents, we’re glad you found us.

Meet the small but mighty team…

All members are Liberal Arts students at the University of Bristol

Ella Griffiths

Head of Editorial, Third Year (She/her)

Georgina Moverley

Head of Illustrations, Second Year (She/her)


Head of Workshops, Second Year (She/her)

Alicia Edwards

Secretary, Second Year (She/her)

Leah Hudson

Editor and Social Media, Third Year (She/her)

How is Aurora funded?

Funding for this lovely website (our greatest expense for the year) comes from the wonderful Liberal Arts Fund. For this we are very grateful.

From the same fund come contributions to our workshops. We have to be savvy when it comes to planning, because budgets are tight!

This restriction means we have to be all the more resourceful as we invent ways of developing our Aurora community and finding new stimuli. For example, a walk in Purdown with some books in our bags to share is free (!) and very inspiring, and we can use old cereal boxes and other recycled materials for our book-making workshop. If you have an idea for a workshop that is rich in inspiration and community-development, though not financially demanding, let us know! Find out more about getting involved with workshops here (link to come).


We are trying our best to keep Aurora as accessible to all as possible!

Within our team, we make sure we all understand each others’ accessibility needs, and that we’re comfortable letting each other know if our needs have changed.

But beyond our team, there are needs within Aurora’s community that we surely overlook! If there is anything we can do to make Aurora more accessible, please do let us know so we can make changes.

You can email theauroralibarts@gmail.com, message our instagram @theaurorabristol, or catch one of us around campus for a chat!