
Here’s how you can get involved with Aurora

Contribute to Aurora

All submissions are welcome at auroralibarts@gmail.com

Send ramblings, wanderings, stories, conversations, plans, oaths, notes, letters, drawings, photographs, articles, reviews, essays, diagrams, shower-thoughts, documents, poems, secrets, inventions, questions…

If you’d like advice or a prompt, email and ask! We’re always delighted to help!

The process:

Your submission will be edited by an Aurora editor. You’ll be given the option of a collaborative editing process between you and your editor (you might like this if you’re feeling precious about details in your work, but if you’re very busy and don’t have time for back-and-forths between you and your editor, you might prefer to just relinquish control… each to their own). A final draft will be agreed upon, and an illustration sourced (or made by you?!). Your work will then appear on Aurora! We try to keep the whole process as speedy as possible, but as we all know ever so well, dastardly other things have a habit of getting in the way from time to time.

Send your work our way, we’d be honoured!

Come to workshops

When a nook or cranny reveals itself between one thing to do and the next, we run Aurora workshops.

We’re time-bound and budget-bound, but we like working with what we’ve got. We host workshops in our homes, at uni, outside in the big wide world, or at our various work-places…

So far we’ve hosted a book-binding workshop and a session where we gathered to talk about what we planned to write/make over the holidays. Many more workshops planned!

At the core of each workshop is our intention to nourish a liberal arts community, built around creative practices and shared interest in the world.

Run workshops

If you have a skill up your sleeve you’d like to shimmy down, out your cuff, into your hand and into a few other people’s hands, we’d like to know about it!! You could run our next workshop…how exciting!

We’d help with logistics and (where we can) with funding.

Email your pitch to theauroralibarts@gmail.com. (Be as detailed about practicalities as possible).

Running a workshop is a wonderful way to practise that thing called ‘leadership’ and those other things called ‘initiative’, ‘organised’ and ‘excellent communicator’ (all terribly CV-friendly buzzing-like-crazy-words). But it’s also just super fun and fulfilling!

Read (duh)

Well you’re in the right place to be doing that. Hope you’re having a whale of a time.

Aurora is kept alive by readers like you. If you’re feeling particularly lively, leave a comment. And why not make it a delightfully contentious one too while you’re at it

Join the team!

Keep a lookout for opportunities to apply for roles on Aurora team…advertised via email and Instagram.

Aurora presents a brilliant opportunity to learn about publishing/editing/journalism.

If you’re interested in joining the team, get in touch with us and ask us about our roles, we’re always happy to chat!

Get involved early in first or second year - you’ll be experienced come third year, and ready take on more responsibility in Aurora.